
New wake2e version 3.3.4

With the introduction of version 3.3.4 wake2e determines the “Windzone” according to DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA and according to “DIBt 2004 Anhang B” for projects in Germany. You will find the results in the section “results → other” of the result file.

Update: Improved map display

Context menu

There is a new conext menu available by right clicking on the map. This menu provides options to change the display properties.

Context menu in the map

Markers at the frame of the map

At the sides of the map markers will appear to indicate WT-sites which are located outside the area currently shown on the map.

Update: Improved results presentation in wake2e

Using customised WT labels in the map

In the project settings the user may define whether the wind turbine's number ("WT 1") or its name (the "ID" column in the WT list) shall be displayed as label in the map.  To do so choose "Map display" in the menu "Extended settings". After saving this change the map will be rebuilt.
This setting does not change after resetting the project, loading a new project or logging in or off.


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